How to change your life with the law of attraction
I recently made a discovery that changed my life. Afterwards, I realize that I have often heard about it indirectly but never really in its fundamentals. You probably understood it with the title of the article, but I am talking about the law of attraction.
So, to be honest, I had already heard about it but I considered it as something quite fantastic that people try to sell to “suckers” by promising them easy money. In short, my first impressions of this law were not very positive. But I realized that it was much more than that. Especially when I started to experience it personally.
But I kept coming back to it and eventually I gave it a chance and read up on it. I discovered Bob Proctor, via his Youtube videos but especially his book “Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life“. The latter makes constant reference to the famous book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. This book is considered the number one reference book for success. As soon as I discovered these links, I thought that it became much more interesting and that it deserved to spend more time on it.
In this article we will answer several questions, including:
- What is the law of attraction
- How does the law of attraction work, But above all, how to use the law of attraction
- …
What is the law of attraction?
To begin with, we can use the Wikipedia definition which will give us a good basis for our work:
the Law of Attraction is a pseudoscience based on the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. The belief is based on the ideas that people and their thoughts are made from “pure energy” and that a process of like energy attracting like energy exists through which a person can improve their health, wealth, and personal relationships.
The parallel is that this law is similar to the laws of physics that we all know, such as the law of gravity, etc. The idea is that the law of attraction is as strong and real as the law of gravity and therefore we cannot escape it.
What particularly struck me while listening to Bob Proctor is that he also refers to the “law of vibration“. According to him, everything is a question of vibration. This story of vibration echoes the Wikipedia definition.
Somehow, it is precisely this link between this thought of the law of attraction and science that allowed me to be even more convinced of this “phenomenon”.
Indeed, we can consider that everything is energy. It’s not me who says it, it’s none other than Albert Einstein. This is what he says in the quote below.
Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
Albert Einstein
If we go further in this theory, we arrive on the string theory according to which everything is composed of vibrating energy particles of very small sizes which are called “strings”. I am not going to go further in the explanations because we are not going to go into the biggest theories of the current physics.
The general idea is to say that everything, absolutely everything is composed of tiny particles of energy that vibrate at a certain frequency.
You will have already understood that here we are absolutely not in theories that may seem to come straight from fantasies or other thoughts. Here we are talking about purely scientific and physical facts.
If we continue to push further, we could say that a change of state is possible if we go from one vibration to another. In the same way that water can become ice by reducing the vibrations just as it can become steam by increasing the vibrations.
So yes, up to now it’s a lot of theory but you probably want more concrete. Well, in one of Bob Proctor’s videos, he evokes a parallel in which you will inevitably find yourself.
The law of attraction in practice
Have you ever noticed that when you start looking to buy a new car and you decide on a certain model, you will start seeing that model everywhere you go. You’ll feel like you didn’t see them before and now that you’re interested in them, that’s all you see. You’ve seen that before, right?
What if I told you that it’s precisely because by learning about the subject, by imagining yourself driving this car and how you would feel behind the wheel, etc., you have somehow put yourself in a position where you can’t see it. You have in a way put yourself on a vibration, a frequency in parallel to these cars which allows you to pay more attention to them.
Let’s push the development even further. Let’s make the same connection with success. If you start thinking about success, imagining yourself as successful, etc., you will very quickly start to notice that you are not successful. Very soon you will start to see all the opportunities. You will be on the same frequency, vibration as these countless opportunities. And so you will start to pay attention to them.
The idea is that there are an infinite number of different frequencies and that if you want to achieve something, you have to get on the same frequency as that goal. The most important thing in this story is that these are not just nice words without any basis, all this is supported by physics even though it can’t be really experimented.
Another example that we could cite is that of self-confidence. If you lack or were lacking in self-confidence you have probably been told “fake it and confidence will come”. And as surprising as it may seem, this sentence is quite true. In fact, by faking it, in a way you are putting yourself on the corresponding frequency. In this way, you will be more alert and will notice many events or other things that will strengthen your self-confidence, etc. I would like to say that it’s magic but no, it’s physical! (Yes, I had to make that joke). But let’s see right away how the law of attraction works more concretely.
How does the law of attraction work?
It’s clear that when you read all this, you think it sounds too easy. I realize that I sound like a salesman of easy dreams, etc. But in reality it’s not as simple as that. Because in the end, the objective is clearly to “reprogram” our brain, and that’s really not easy.
All this could be summarized by a formula that I will try to explain later on:
Thoughts -> Emotions -> Actions -> Results
This image illustrates the formula and explains how the law of attraction works. I will explain it to you in detail:
- Our conscious mind receives a lot of information, whether it is via our senses, our thoughts, our ideas, etc. It is also the consciousness that will accept or reject these ideas. Because whatever the thought, it is consciously that we accept it or not. For example, if you say to yourself “I am not good for anything”, etc., it is consciously that you accept it. It is consciously that you keep this thought and just let it go to the next step.
- All these thoughts filtered by the conscious mind arrive directly to the Subconscious mind which, for its part, does not have any filter. It will receive the information and store it because it cannot reject it. Moreover, on the basis of these thoughts, it will extract emotions and instructions of sorts. Because it is in this part that all our programming takes place. It is on the basis of all the information and emotions received that our mental program will develop and dictate our actions, our behaviors. It is also this part that will dictate our frequency as previously mentioned.
- We will act and behave, whether consciously or not, in coherence with the mental programming formed on the basis of our thoughts.
- On the basis of these behaviors and actions, we will obtain certain results
- These results serve as feedback and will re-feed our thoughts and continue the cycle.
It’s all very well to present these explanations, but let’s look at a very specific example that will help you understand.
Let’s take the case of a person who is demoralized and says to himself a sentence that may seem very simple but that has enormous consequences as we will see. Let’s imagine a person who says to himself “I can’t do anything”.
- This thought arrives in the conscious mind of the person who says to himself “I can’t do anything”, and since he continues with this thought and accepts it, it passes to the next stage and thus into the Subconscious mind.
- This thought that arrives in the Subconscious mind is loaded with negative emotions that go with this kind of idea. And, as explained, the Subconscious mind cannot reject an idea. So it will accept it and integrate it into our mental programming.
- Based on this programming, I see two possibilities
- The person will not take any action (because what’s the point if he/she doesn’t get anywhere?)
- They will try to do something but without conviction because they know deep down (at least they have told themselves enough to convince themselves) that they will not achieve anything.
- Whether he does nothing or takes action and fails, the results will be similar -> Negative.
- On the basis of these negative results he will draw lessons that will feed new thoughts. Obviously, these negative results will only confirm that the person is not getting anywhere.
This example may seem trivial, but this is what happens to many people. We don’t realize the importance of our thoughts and this mental programming.
How to use the law of attraction?
We have already more or less put forward some ideas on how to use the law of attraction. But we will see in more detail some ways to use it. Please note that this is a non-exhaustive list of the different ways that I have been able to identify during my research and that I personally use.
Stop thinking negatively
It may seem obvious, but one of the first steps is to stop all those negative thoughts. As you can see, these thoughts and the emotions attached to them create a vicious circle that will only make the problem worse.
The solution is to replace these negative thoughts with positive ones. So yes, it’s easy to say, but that’s really what we need to focus on. I also have a hard time with this part but it is a daily practice.
Think about your goals
This may sound a bit cliché, but it is an integral part of the law of attraction. As mentioned, in order to attract what you want, you have to be on the same frequency. We must therefore have the appropriate programming for this frequency. We know that our thoughts are “digested” by our unconscious to modify our mental programming and therefore our frequency. What would happen if we fed our unconscious with ideas and thoughts related to our goal? Well, it would adjust our programming and therefore our frequency to adapt to our thoughts and therefore our objectives.
I will use a metaphor used by Earl Nightingale that I like very much:
If we think of a ship with a captain and a crew who know very well where they must go. In the vast majority of cases, it will arrive at its destination. If, on the other hand, you moor a ship without a captain or a crew, but above all without a precise goal. Let’s just say that there is very little chance that it will get there.
Write down your goals
It may seem superfluous and I was reluctant to do it in the first place. But writing down your goals on paper apparently has real positive effects on achieving them. By writing down your goals, you are repeating these thoughts etc. to your brain once again. In this way, we are forcing this programming in a way.
As I told you, I was against it, but for a while now, I’ve been writing down my goals in a notebook every day, what I dream of accomplishing, etc. But mostly I try to imagine every night, how I would live this achievement. I try to integrate emotions. In this way, I really integrate this goal into my “program”.
Moreover, having this little daily ritual forces me to think about my goal every day and therefore to come back to “feed” my unconscious with these thoughts.
Throughout this article, I have tried to explain this law of attraction. But I realize that I have touched on some important points but that it is such a huge subject that this simple article could not cover everything.
Anyway, I hope that this article will allow you to discover a little more about this law and what it can do for you.
I, for one, quickly realized its effects. I have always loved video games, but let’s be honest, this hobby will not allow me to reach financial freedom. Yet I couldn’t get away from it. Well, since I put into practice my tips mentioned above, I managed to stop having these urges/needs to play. And so I can devote more time to my goals. I really feel that my mental program has been modified and I’m really happy about that. That’s why I wanted to talk about it and share this “discovery”.
Don’t hesitate to share your opinion in the comments!
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