Personal Development
This category includes different articles related to personal development. Those articles aim at helping you become the best version of yourself to have a better life, reach your goals, and achieve success.
How to get rich with the book “Rich dad, poor dad”
Today, I’d like to tell you about a book that radically changed my way of thinking. For me, it is without a doubt, the book to read for anyone who wants to achieve financial freedom. It is the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki. This book, released in 2001, is still recognized […]
CHANGE YOUR LIFE – Denzel Washington Motivational Speech
Speech by Denzel Washington at University of Pennsylvania : Transcription I found that nothing in life is worthwhile. Unless you take risks, nothing. Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that’s less than the one you’re capable of living. Now I’m sure in your experiences […]
How to change your life with the law of attraction
Introduction I recently made a discovery that changed my life. Afterwards, I realize that I have often heard about it indirectly but never really in its fundamentals. You probably understood it with the title of the article, but I am talking about the law of attraction. So, to be honest, I had already heard about […]
Personal development : What if you put yourself in the other’s shoes ?
Introduction As part of personal development, I deem it is very important to show empathy. You know, I have always been someone who quickly get angry. Indeed I was quickly upset which obviously had repercussions on my way of being and thus on my entourage. For instance, I used to live in a flat with […]
A bit a personal finance
It’s the well-know book “Rich dad, poor dad” from Robert T. Kiyosaki which allowed me to radically change the way I see the personal finance. I highly recommend that reading to anyone willing to regain control of their finance. Basic concepts introduction In his book, the author presents the differences between the balance sheets and […]
A new start
Introduction “It’s done.” I was still not realizing it, I just resigned. It was an idea that I had been thinking about for a couple of months but I just did it, I felt free. After my studies, I started my career in one of the best audit firm with the goal to learn as […]