How to get rich with the book “Rich dad, poor dad”
Today, I’d like to tell you about a book that radically changed my way of thinking. For me, it is without a doubt, the book to read for anyone who wants to achieve financial freedom. It is the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki. This book, released in 2001, is still recognized […]
CHANGE YOUR LIFE – Denzel Washington Motivational Speech
Speech by Denzel Washington at University of Pennsylvania : Transcription I found that nothing in life is worthwhile. Unless you take risks, nothing. Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that’s less than the one you’re capable of living. Now I’m sure in your experiences […]
How to change your life with the law of attraction
Introduction I recently made a discovery that changed my life. Afterwards, I realize that I have often heard about it indirectly but never really in its fundamentals. You probably understood it with the title of the article, but I am talking about the law of attraction. So, to be honest, I had already heard about […]
How to grow your passive income with Cross Chain Capital (CCC)
Today I’m going to tell you about a fairly new project with a lot of potential. I don’t know if you’ve already heard about the Cross-Chain Capital (CCC) crypto project. In this article I’m going to explain in more detail how it works and why some people refer to it as Defi 3.0. Presentation of […]
How I got into the NFT world
Introduction to NFT What is an NFT? Today I’m going to talk to you about NFTs, so the first question we’re going to answer is “What is an NFT?“. For me it’s also quite new because I’m only recently interested in it. But I will try, through this article, to share with you my discoveries […]
Feedback on after more than a year on the platform
It’s been a while since I joined the platform. I just went to check, it dates from August 2019. I thought hat after all this time, almost two years, it would be time to give feedback, an opinion on this platform. Introduction to As a reminder, is like a new generation bank. […]
5 ways to earn Bitcoin for free
I’ve had a strong interest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for a while. Indeed, I remain convinced that this is the future and while this investment can be quite volatile, risky. Naturally, I was interested in all the methods that could allow me to acquire as much Bitcoin as possible. As I researched, I realized […]
How to start investing in the stock market: What to invest in?
Recently, an acquaintance of mine asked me point blank how to start investing in the stock market. Specifically, he wanted to know what I will recommend investing in right now. So this is both a simple and a complex question. But since it directly affects our 3rd pillar towards financial freedom, you might be interested […]
Make money with
With the advent of Bitcoin, we saw the birth of a whole series of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) projects. is one of those projects that even goes so far as to allow users to invest with their daily expenses. In this article, we will introduce you to this platform and what it can do for […]
8 ways to start as an entrepreneur
Introduction It’s time to start our second pillar focused on the entrepreneurial side to adopt. It is clear that the different pillars are interrelated. If you want to become an entrepreneur, it is necessary to acquire the mind for and therefore to achieve a certain personal development. Besides that, it is also important to learn […]
How to react to a stock market correction?
When we witness a stock market correction, it is difficult to watch these investments fall without knowing how to do anything about it. However, when investing in the stock market, it is crucial to know what to expect and above all to prepare for possible corrections. A stock price will never go up or down […]
What is Ethereum?
In a previous article, we discussed the interest of Bitcoin and the reasons that could lead a person to turn to this cryptocurrency. But when you start to take an interest in the world of cryptocurrencies you quickly realize that it’s not all about Bitcoin. In particular, there is Ether (ETH), which comes to us […]
How to increase your revenue with Celsius Network
We had previously mentioned the potential of Bitcoin. But when we dig deeper, we can easily see that the advent of Bitcoin is also leading to a whole series of other projects, notably DeFi (Decentralized Finance) projects of which Celsius Network is a part. In this article, we will carry out an analysis of the […]
Why I invest in Bitcoin
Bitcoin In recent years, this term has appeared more and more, along with other terms associated with it or other cryptocurrencies. However, I see that Bitcoin is often viewed negatively. Some consider the advent of Bitcoin as a “speculative bubble” which may of course seem true given the movements that the latter has known. Others […]
Develop your income with rental investment
Rental investment is quite special because it can be classified in the second as well as in the third pillar. Indeed, a person can launch his own business to enrich himself through real estate. But anyone who is successful in their business should also consider real estate as their “final” investment. Instead of investing the […]
How to buy Bitcoin on Binance
In a previous article, I explained how to buy Bitcoins on the Coinbase platform. Nevertheless, I think as you progress in the cryptocurrency space, it would be wise to turn to a platform with more possibilities. However, even though Binance offers more possibilities, it is also still a more complicated platform than Coinbase. In this […]
Passive Income : ETF vs Mutual Fund
There are many ways to invest in order to grow your money passively. One of them is obviously to invest in company shares in order to generate capital gains on shares but also dividends. Obviously, this method requires a lot of time and energy to analyze the thousands of stocks in the world. To overcome […]
How to develop amazing passive income with
Introduction We all wish we could let our money grow without any effort. “Let our money work for us” as Robert Kiyosaki told us, which therefore generates passive income. Unfortunately, the majority of people prefer to leave their hard-earned money in a savings account at the bank. It is true that this method remains the […]
How to get the most out of compound interest?
We have already seen what the compound interests are and especially the strength of these. For the purpose of this article, I would like to go even further to ensure you have a good understanding of these and allow you to get the most out of them. I would also like to highlight the traps […]
How to earn Bitcoin using CryptoTab
Introduction There are multiple ways to answer the question “How to earn Bitcoin”. The most amazing thing is that there are also several ways to create passive income through the magic world of crypto-currencies. In this article, I will guide you on how to earn Bitcoin in a passive way using CryptoTab. Nevertheless, please note […]
How to buy Bitcoin with Coinbase – The cheap and easy way
There are a lot of questions related to bitcoin, many of those concern the investing part of it. Here we are going to tackle questions such as “How to buy Bitcoin?” “Best wallet for Bitcoin”, etc. How to buy Bitcoin on Coinbase – The easy way The funny thing is that the best place to […]
Personal development : What if you put yourself in the other’s shoes ?
Introduction As part of personal development, I deem it is very important to show empathy. You know, I have always been someone who quickly get angry. Indeed I was quickly upset which obviously had repercussions on my way of being and thus on my entourage. For instance, I used to live in a flat with […]
Mintos review
Introduction Today, I would like to discuss about a platform that I find really interesting, known as “Mintos” (Click here to discover the website). Indeed, as explained in our article “A bit of personal finance”, it is important to dedicate a portion of your money to the creation of “passive” income. The Mintos platform is […]
The beauty of compound interests
Introduction Have you heard the Water lily’s enigma? We have a lake on which we find a water lily the first day. The amount of water lily doubling every day, we find two water lilies on the second day. Knowing that after 50 days, the lac is entirely fulfilled with water lilies. How many days […]
A bit a personal finance
It’s the well-know book “Rich dad, poor dad” from Robert T. Kiyosaki which allowed me to radically change the way I see the personal finance. I highly recommend that reading to anyone willing to regain control of their finance. Basic concepts introduction In his book, the author presents the differences between the balance sheets and […]
A new start
Introduction “It’s done.” I was still not realizing it, I just resigned. It was an idea that I had been thinking about for a couple of months but I just did it, I felt free. After my studies, I started my career in one of the best audit firm with the goal to learn as […]